
SFFILTECH은 집진기 백하우스 여과, 액체 백 필터 여과 및 HVAC 여과 시스템 분야의 브랜드 공급업체입니다.

Dust bag in the position of environmental protection industry

Now, the development of environmental protection industry in national environmental protection requirements for growing forward now, the most important reason is now too serious environmental pollution, dust bag used to a large extent, ease the pollution pressure now to ensure industrial pollution discharge standards.

In our House, environmental protection industry equipment industry is an important industry, environmental protection industry development and growth of the key depends on the dust removal equipment industry and industries supported. -By application of dedusting equipment category, dedusting equipment ranging from wastewater treatment equipment, waste management and recycling equipment, air pollution control equipment, noise reduction device, monitoring instruments and equipment, scientific and laboratory equipment, including equipment used for natural protection, and improving the quality of the urban environment.

집진기 가방을 선택하는 방법
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상하이 스필텍(주) 선도 중 하나입니다 & 먼지 여과 전문 회사 & 중국의 분리 제품
사무실 주소: 중국 상하이 민항 구 Jianchuan Road NO.951 New Cangyuan Tech Building North-Buliding 룸 NO.5004

공장 주소: 3#201, No.3255 Shengang Road, Songjiang District, Shanghai

담당자: 아밀리 리
왓츠앱:+ 0086-18501617016
저작권 © 2023 상하이 Sffiltech Co., Ltd  - www.sffiltech.net  | 사이트맵
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